I’m Jan Astasia, member of Radio Sofa, a web radio based in Paris. Let me present my new show on THF. I wanted to explore the music with percussion, play with tradition music and how they influence the electronic music of today.

In the first part of this how, I’ll be playing tracks from Guem a Algerian percussionnist, Simon Popp and the Nok Cultural Ensemble a Nigerian British collective that play ancient music from the NOK civilisation.

You can listen to it again on my Soundcloud:

  • My residency ‘The Concave Side of the Spoon’, Folk Percussions their influences on experimental contemporary music at THF Radio. https://www.thfradio.de The radio station describes itself as a community based at the former Tempelhofer Feld airport, in the Torhaus studio.
Jan Astasia · THF Residency